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Give yourself a head start.
Professionals and local authorities, it's time to take part in a future where architecture and biodiversity coexist in harmony. With Effinature, we're not just building buildings, we're shaping ecosystems, refuges for biodiversity, while meeting human needs.
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Why integrate Effinature into your project?

Whether you're a project owner, local authority, manager, investor or architect, opting for Effinature in your real estate project means guaranteeing a sustainable and resilient building, in which well-being and quality of life predominate. It's also a way of enhancing the appeal of your project with an innovative vision of urban living, while ensuring lasting value for your investment.

A benchmark for biodiversity

Effinature is established by a scientific committee in collaboration with building experts, from design to operation. Our project management assistants ensure compliance with the standards, and act as a link between the project manager and Effinature throughout the process.

An asset with lasting value

Tomorrow, everyone will want to live in an Effinature home. By opting for certification now, you're investing in a vision of real estate that prioritizes sustainability and respect for biodiversity. Your investment will thrive as nature does in your project.

4 types to suit your projects

The certification comprises 4 standards that can be adapted to all types of construction, renovation, development and operating projects. Designed to be integrated at every stage of the project, Effinature certification will in no way slow down your work.

An initiative endorsed by the French government

We have imagined our certification as the perfect response to the many governmental challenges linked to biodiversity in the building industry. By certifying your project, you make it part of a valued approach with multiple opportunities.

the world's 1st certifier of biodiversity
in the building industry.


Effinature is the world leader in ecological real estate standards, aimed at integrating nature into real estate projects to protect urban biodiversity. Effinature's aim is to create genuinely ecological buildings. This approach, both technical and scientific, is based on an understanding of ecosystems to revitalize biodiversity in anthropized environments, thereby instilling true sustainability.

For whom?

Building professionals (developers, project managers), local authorities, users/citizens, developers, investors...

What types of project?

All types of project, whether for construction, renovation, development or operation. Two levels of certification: Effinature and Effinature HVE (High Ecological Value).


Highlight the environmental ambitions of our buildings, and pass on to future generations an unrivalled quality of life in the city.

Timeframe of the process?

Setting up certification has no impact on the progress of your project. Effinature has been designed to be quickly added at every stage, without slowing down the process.

Why certify your real estate project with Effinature?

Work on a project that respects biodiversity and is recognized as Effinature's 1st certification for biodiversity in urban environments

Effinature meets the requirements for responsible investment, as recommended by the French Ministry of Finance (Label ISR) and/or the French Ministry of Ecological Transition (Label Greenfin).

National and international recognition, a reassuring benchmark for consumers


Recognition of competence with Cofrac accreditation (Accreditation N° 5-0655, scope available on www.cofrac.fr). In France, Cofrac is the only body designated and recognized by the government to issue accreditations.



Can all projects be certified?
Yes, at least... almost! Effinature has been designed with 4 city-wide building standards to adapt to the different stages in the life cycle of your projects:
  • new constructions,
  • renovations,
  • developments,
  • exploitation.
Do you have a residential (multi-family or individual housing), industrial, tertiary or public-sector project? Don't hesitate to contact our teams!
Effinature - operation
How much does certification cost?

This will depend on several criteria:
- the level of certification you want: Effinature or Effinature HVE (High Ecological Value)
- the surface area of your project
- the chosen standard: construction / renovation / development / operation

Don't hesitate to call on our teams for a customized quote!

How many steps are involved in the certification process?

Several steps are required:

  • Application + selection of an Effinature AMO
  • Signature of quotation and right to use the Effinature trademark
  • Initial assessment (DCE phase)
  • Evaluation of structural finishing
  • Inspection and compliance at the end of construction
  • Issuing the Effinature certificate


For Effinature HVE only:

  • In-situ evaluation in operation (3 years after delivery of the site, renewable every 3 years)
What's the difference with other labels?

The certification process can highlight the level of requirement that is demanded and achieved. The project as a whole is therefore more demanding than a standard project.


How can you tell them apart?

Despite the similarities, there are significant differences between a label and a certification. Certification focuses on results, confirming the conformity of procedures. Certain labels, on the other hand, focus on assessing and recognizing the quality of the services offered, with an objective of means.

Effinature certification is the only guarantee of a truly biodiverse living space, based on scientific criteria that are neutral and impartial.

Certification stages of an Effinature project

 Working closely with experts in urban biodiversity is essential to the success of your Effinature certification. Our ecologists, experts in biodiversity, provide training for our AMOs, seasoned building professionals who hold Effinature accreditation.
These AMOs are dedicated to guiding you through each phase of your project's certification.

  • 1

  • 2

    in design
  • 3

    during the construction phase
  • 4

    Trademark rights


They are already committed to biodiversity

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

Development of the City of Nancy

Nature in the city is an essential element of Nancy's new development policy. Allowing more space for nature in projects is essential not only for the quality of the landscape, but also for preserving or recovering more biodiversity, creating microclimates that enable a resilient city, properly managing the water cycle and preventing pollution. The aim is to improve the region's ecological balance by encouraging the integration and maintenance of organisms and ecosystems within the operating perimeter. In line with its ambitions, the Metropole du Grand Nancy has integrated the Effinature Construction standard to identify the site's ecological challenges, and to design and implement the facilities in terms of preserving living soil, treating planted areas, preserving wildlife and cleaning up the site. Find out more about the Construction Quality Charter

Join our
scientific committee.

Would you like to take part in the adventure of urban biodiversity and help us raise awareness in the building sector? Be among the first to know when it comes to innovation research! Apply to join the committee.

my project.

Effinature accreditation is an excellent initiative for promoting biodiversity in urban environments. Every real estate project is unique, so let's make it exceptional!